Dental x-ray
Dental X-rays are an integral part of regular dental care because they allow accurate and timely identification of various problems that could later affect your overall health. A high-quality dental X-ray allows doctors to see teeth from every angle, allowing them to choose the appropriate treatment for you.
Our dental clinic YLUX provides dental X-rays in Bratislava. In addition to classic 2D X-rays we also offer a 3D X-ray of the teeth. This type of X-ray allows us to get an even better look at your teeth, because it captures details that regular X-rays cannot detect.
Our dental clinic has a separate X-ray area with its own entrance which is used by both our patients and patients from other dentists. The X-ray area is designated as an X-ray CENTER and is located on the ground floor of the building at Račianske Mýto 1 in Bratislava.
You do not need to book a dental X-ray, you just need to come during office hours. We’ll take your picture right away.
X-ray pricing
The price of an X-ray of the teeth depends on what type of X-ray the patient requires. Below is a list of some types of X-rays that we can do for you.
Basic tests:
Basic images are covered by the health insurance companies “Dovera” and “Union” without a fee. Prices for insured persons out-of-network or patients without insurance are as follows:
- Intraoral image (small) 10 eur
- Bite Wing (one side) 10 eur
- Orthopantomogram (OPG X-ray) 30 eur
Special displays (insurance companies do not pay)
Within the price list of special displays you will find prices for 3D X-rays, TMK projections and Tele X-rays:
- 3D – 1 sextant 20 eur
- 3D – 3 sextants (mandibula or maxilla) 60 eur
- 3D – whole mandibula plus whole maxilla 110 eur
- Tele X-ray 20 eur
- Skull (each projection) 20 eur
- Temporomandibular joint projections (closed mouth, open mouth) 20 eur
- X-ray of the hand (each projection) 20 eur
Results from X-ray examination
The attending physicians can get your results from YLUX X-ray in two formats:
- CD – allows for further digital processing in the ambulance.
- E-mail – to send an image, it is necessary to provide a readable e-mail address of the attending physician. We do not send X-rays to patients’ personal email addresses.
Preparing for a dental X-ray
You don’t have to prepare for a classic or panoramic X-ray of your teeth. However, it is important that you take off your earrings, necklaces and hair clips before the examination. If you have a removable denture, you must remove it from your mouth.
AHow does a dental X-ray work?
A classic or 3D X-ray of the teeth takes place in our X-ray area, which has a separate entrance. You do not have to book the X-ray, you can just come and it is taken right away. The whole process is quick and easy. During scanning, a very small and non-harmful radiation load is generated.
The process of creating a dental X-ray can be described in several steps:
- Upon arrival at the workplace and after the X-ray assistant calls you, you stand in front of the X-ray machine. A Center employee will guide you and position you so that we get the best possible images of your oral cavity.
- You will then be given a locking system that you place in your mouth to ensure proper alignment of your teeth.
- After the device starts, you need to stay motionless for a few seconds. You will see how the rotating arm will move in a semicircle around your head.
- The scan takes about 15 to 20 seconds. The images are then sent to the computer, from where the Center employee puts them into the necessary form (CD, e-mail attachment or photo paper).
Pursuant to the provisions of § 44a par. 1 of Act No. 576/2004 Coll. on Health Care, Services Related to the Provision of Health Care and on Amendments to Certain Acts, as amended, X-ray examination may be performed only on the basis of an application signed by the sending (indicating) doctor. When visiting the X-ray CENTER, please show a request from your attending dentist and your insurance card.
Frequently Asked Questions About Dental X-rays
Is dental X-ray safe?
Yes, dental X-ray is perfectly safe. Modern devices are fast, and a person is exposed to minimal radiation for a much shorter period of time than in the past. During one treatment, the body receives a dose of less than 1 mSv, which is a negligible amount that does not affect health in any way. Pregnant women can also get an X-ray of their teeth.
How long does a dental X-ray take?
A dental X-ray is a quick procedure. Usually, it does not take more than a few minutes.
How to prepare for a dental X-ray?
You do not need to prepare for a dental X-ray. The only thing you need to do before taking a picture is to remove dentures and accessories such as hair clips, earrings and necklaces. It is a good idea to leave these items at home.
What is the price for an X-ray?
Pricing for an X-ray of the teeth depends on what type of examination you choose. You can find all the exact prices in our price list. If you are unsure of the price or would like additional information, do not hesitate to contact us.